Tuesday 1 November 2011

Hanging Out Options in Mumbai

Mumbai, which has been the city of dreams for many, has become one of the most famous tourist destinations for people abroad and as well as for people in India. Mumbai is also the financial city of India. It has attracted a lot of people from all over India for work or business. There are a lot of job opportunities as well as good education environment for the students.
Lounges have been one of the most semi formal hang out places for all. Be it for teenagers or businessmen, lounges have a mixed crowd. Food and alcohol are the main part of the menu. Mainly the food items that are included in the menu are snacks and big bites. Main course meals are avoided since lounges are different from restaurants. Every hotel in Mumbai has one lounge, which is for the guests staying in the hotel, or even outsiders who just want to enjoy the beautiful ambience of a nice hotel and the lounge. Individual and separate lounges are hardly available around the city.
Mostly all the lounges are the part of the hotels. Nowadays serving hookah has been banned in the lounges due to restriction from the government side. Many people also choose the lunges for their business meetings. Lounges are the best place where one can sit and sip coffee and finish your novel or any other work in peace. It is one of the best places for students since they can grab a bite and listen to some good music. Non-vegetarian and vegetarian are both served in lounges. There are various kinds of lounges in Mumbai. Some are just hookah lounge where no food or liquor is served since they don’t have a liquor license to use this facility. Some are coffee lounges and some are the alcohol lounges.
One can go everyday to a lounge in Mumbai with family or friends. It is the place where business deals are confirmed and where friends unite.

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